2018 has almost passed, so I thought I'd do a little blog reminiscing on some of the highlights the year has brought.
2018 Goal Counter
WIP Word Count: 10,300 approx.*
Books read: 17
Short stories written: 7
Other (reviews, etc): 3
*Current work in progress, based off the third novel I've started this year.
- President of the UoN Writers' Club
- Published and edited the UoN Writers' Club anthology
- Volunteered at the Newcastle Writers' Festival
- Volunteers Coordinator at the National Young Writers' Festival
- Wrote for OPUS Magazine
Writerly-Events Attended
- Sydney Writers Festival
- Hunter Writers' Centre live-readings
- Newcastle Short Story Awards
- Started a website
- Started a blog
- Travelled to Italy, Greece, and Bali
- Passed my second year of my undergraduate degree
- Developed some lovely new friendships
- Completed 19/25 books of my Goodreads goal
2019 will be an exciting year as I complete my final year at university! It will hopefully also bring attending more writers' festival and writerly events, and many more amazing friendships.
